Monday, June 11, 2012

Out of Work Due to RSI: Ergonomics Can Save Your Job

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RSI stands for Repetitive Stress Injuries - those pins and needles poking your fingers, hands or wrist after a long day's work in front of your PC. Learn about this "devil" in the workplace before it gets you out of your swivel chair - for good.

The Office Challenge

It's not your Boss. Your real challenge is your work environment. Just like most people in the office, you are an unwitting victim to RSI. Not your fault; your keyboard, mouse, office desk and chair were already there on the day you were hired, so obviously you had no hand in choosing those. However, if you persist in keeping silent despite of the knowledge you will acquire by reading this short article, you become an accomplice to your employer's "crime".

"One-size-fits-all" office equipments, such as keyboards, mouse, desks and chairs DO NOT fit everyone in your office. Your boss may not know about ergonomics, or he simply does not care, but he will begin to take notice when the overall productivity of his staff wanes. Then he begins to wonder what happened.

No to "one size fits all"

Your computer mouse may be too big for your grasp, or your office chair has no lumbar support and your desk may be too low for you. You are in an unfit work environment. But you rather keep mum about it than lose your job, right?

You're wrong!

Sooner or later, when RSI catches up on you, you will lose your job anyway. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a type of RSI, can be painful and will surely affect your productivity. It is a real pain-in-the-wrist that simply does not go away!

What to Do

Tell your boss. It's about time he buys office furniture, equipment or accessory that fits the worker who will use it. This is what ergonomics is all about.

When there is a fit between the worker and his tools, repetitive stress injuries are avoided. Unexcused absences or sick leaves due to work-related stress are minimized, if not at all avoided. Productivity is enhanced; profit will relatively improve.

Purchase Ergonomics Mini Keyboard for a start. There is a wide selection of mini keyboards at that you can choose from. One Touch Ultra Mini Wireless Keyboard, for example, is great for businessmen on the go. It is light, very portable (just as big as your palm), and has a built-in trackball that you can use as a mouse. Find more about it at

Photo credit:   Maggie Smith/

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