Monday, June 11, 2012

Stop Pain on Its Track - Purchase an Ergonomic Keyboard

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Edward's Story

Edward Bowden of Dallas, Texas woke up one morning with a throbbing back pain in the lumbar region that prompted him to seek immediate medical attention. However, series of tests rendered negative results. Baffled by his condition, he conducted his own research on the internet and he came across an article about ergonomics. He also found a website selling ergonomics desks and chairs and ordered an air adjustable back support delivered to his home. Edward reveals that his condition has improved dramatically when he started using lumbar support.

For bodily aches, such as back pain, shoulder pain and wrist pain that do not have medical explanation, Ergonomics might prove helpful to you as it did to Edward and to others before him. It could be your best pain relief!

How Does Ergonomics Work?

Ergonomics is a conjunction of two Greek words, which define Ergonomics as a science that explains the relation between man and his work. Ergonomics aims to enhance a person's efficiency at work by creating a "fit" between the tools he uses and his type of work. Conversely, when a person uses one-size-fits all equipments, his comfort maybe diminished; he exerts more effort and therefore experiences pain and aches on his body.

Tale of Painkillers

Pain haunts everyone; in fact, this generation has seen more painkillers and muscle relaxants on store shelves than past generations did. It is ironic that at an age everyone thought science has made remarkable breakthroughs in medicine, there are aches and pains that simply don't go away. This is where your knowledge of ergonomics can come handy.

Ergonomic Keyboard

Unknown to many, wrist pain can be serious. It can be a symptom of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which when left unattended can render a person disable. Ordinary keyboard and mouse, though inexpensive, may prove to be costly in the long run when a person begins to experience the symptoms of CTS as this could mean lost hours on the job. On the other hand, ergonomic keyboard and keypad may cost slightly higher than ordinary keyboards, but they are designed to protect the hands and wrist from repetitive strain injuries brought about by long hours of repetitive tasks.

Ergonomic keyboard comes in a wide array of choices; to name a few:

- industrial ergonomic keyboard
- left-handed ergonomic keyboard
- wireless ergonomic keyboard

Next time you experience back pain or wrist pain and your doctor rules out serious medical findings, spend time to review your diet and conduct a lifestyle check. Smoking and excessive drinking are often inimical to good health.

Do not get hooked on pain relievers as they only provide temporary relief; instead, invest in a new ergonomic keyboard and mouse. It would not occur to you, unless you try, that the end to all your aches and pains may just be a mouse-click away!

End your misery today. has a wide array of ergonomic keyboard, keypads and mice for even the pickiest customer. Stop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on its track; invest in ergonomic keyboard, keypad, mouse, ergonomic desks and chairs the sooner you can.

Photo credit:  Ambro/

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Get Rid of Wrist Pain and Back Pain Without Taking Drugs

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When was the last time you danced the rumba? If you watched "Dancing with the Stars" on television lately, certainly you had a jaw-dropping experience at how most of the dancing pairs bent, slid and tumbled as if there were no bones in their bodies. And while they danced, there you were in front of your PC, hammering your keyboard for hours without the slightest clue that repetitive tasks, rather than dance routines, can cause more havoc on your wrist and hands; in fact, these can disable you - for life!

First Signs of Trouble

Have you experienced any of these symptoms?

1. Cramps or stabs of pain on your wrists or hands?
2. Eyestrain?
3. Stabbing pain on the neck or shoulders?

These are just some of the typical symptoms of Repetitive Stress Injuries or RSI. These can easily pass off as fatigue however these symptoms will not simply disappear even with medication. Any form of relief will only be temporary.

However, it is imperative that before you categorize your condition as a case of RSI, you should seek medical help first because there could be underlying health problems that only a professional and duly-licensed health practitioner can distinguish. If symptoms persist despite of proper medical treatment, it would be wise to evaluate your lifestyle habits, as well as those equipments you use for long hours, including your work environment. Collectively, these factors may have caused your injury.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When repetitive tasks are performed over a period of time using inadequate equipments that do not support the wrists and hands, these tend to damage the tendons and compress the nerve that runs through the tunnel that connects the hand to the forearm. This condition is called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which is often accompanied by pain or numbness of the wrist or hand. If left untreated, this could cause disability.

At the onset of pain, those who may be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome often resort to pain relievers, muscle relaxants, massage therapy and other traditional pain remedies. In some cases, when the situation worsens, medical practitioners might recommend surgery. It isn't life or death situation, but hospitalization and rehabilitation expenses are enough reasons for anyone not to ignore the first signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Ergonomic Keyboard on the Rescue

Thank those minds that have jumbled two Greek words "ergon" and "nomoi" to produce a third word that is ergonomics as we know it today. More and more people who perform repetitive tasks are experiencing stress relief and even pain relief through the use of ergonomic keyboard, keypad, mouse, ergonomic desks, office chairs, lumbar support and other ergonomic accessories.

Find out why. has the answer. It explains how working on repetitive tasks on your ordinary keyboard and mouse can cause damage on your wrist and hand. Find out how ergonomic keyboard, lumbar support and other ergonomic office equipments can make a difference in your performance at work and how these equipments can improve the quality of your life.

Photo credit:  David Castillo Dominici/

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No to Drugs - Pain Relief Tips in a Techie World

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 Have you heard of Repetitive Strain Injuries or RSI? If you have experienced wrist pain, shoulder pain, neck pain or back pain due to repetitive tasks, more likely you had an episode of RSI.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a repetitive strain injury among techies has become a byword for wrist pain or numbness of the hand. Repetitive tasks using keyboard and mouse that are not ergonomically designed to support the wrist or hand can damage the median nerve that connects the hand to the forearm. This is often accompanied by pain.

How can this be prevented? What can deliver permanent stress relief? Here are some tips:

1. Go Ergonomics!

Choose an Ergonomic Keyboard, Mouse and other Ergonomic Accessories.
Repetitive Strain Injuries are common among those who perform repetitive tasks using equipments that are not designed for such tasks, such as ordinary keyboards that do not cushion wrists or hands for long hours of work, including office desks and chairs that do not provide adequate lumbar support.

2. Maintain a Peaceful Work Environment.

Your work environment can affect your performance as well. Non-conducive work environment, such as noisy or cramped work spaces can trigger stress. Long exposure to this type of environment and office equipments that are not ergonomically-designed to fit the worker to his work produce strain on both body and mind, which over a period of time manifests into aches or pain that the worker may not easily comprehend. Left undiagnosed, RSI can cause downtimes and in an economy too volatile, no employee can afford to lose a job and employers would find it more expensive to train a new one.

3. Go Ergonomics (all the way!).

The science of Ergonomics introduces the importance of "fitting the tool to the worker."

There are many resources online that support the importance of providing employees with ergonomically-designed office equipments. Most employers who have read about ergonomics and what it can do to prevent RSI realized that cutting corners to beat the economic crisis should be done somewhere else and not on office tools that can prevent repetitive strain injuries.

It would prove mutually beneficial for both employers and their employees to use ergonomic office equipments rather than utilize those that may be cheaper at the onset, but would later prove more expensive due to lost hours on the job. Optimum performance at work can be achieved by eliminating pain and injuries that emanate from one-size-fits-all office equipments.

Are you experiencing pain on your wrist or neck? If yes, you could be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, which is classified as a repetitive strain injury. Do something about it. Seek medical attention first as there can be underlying causes that should be managed clinically. However, when symptoms recur, try to look into the realm of ergonomics. The result might just surprise you! is your one-stop-shop for reasonably-priced ergonomic keyboard, mouse, keypad, ergonomic desks, chairs and other computer accessories. It also has resources about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Repetitive Strain Injuries for your easy reference.

Photo Credit:  Grant Cochrane/

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Dog-Tired? It Might Be Your Keyboard That Is Causing Your Trouble

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Working on a 9 to 5 job can be stressful if you are not using the right tools. Check your keyboard and your mouse. Are you exerting more effort than what is necessary when you push its keys? Does the mouse fit your grasp, or is it bigger than the size of your hand? These are factors that may seem negligible to you, but can actually cause your trouble.

The solution is less than a hundred dollars. It is not too much if you think in terms of your greatest resource - your health.

Buy your own ergonomic keyboard. It does not cost much, and you can choose the type of keyboard that will not cause your fingers, hands and wrists, stress. You owe it to yourself.

Are you a leftie? There are left-handed keyboards in the market for left-handed users, which right-handed people may also find convenient to type on. You may also find split keyboards or wireless keyboards as your "keyboard of choice", depending on your need and typing preferences.

Drawbacks of a Bad Keyboard

Using the office keyboard has a lot of drawbacks, which your employer may not consider direct threats to his bottom line, and therefore may not compel him to think ergonomics and provide his employees with the right tools. But he is wrong.

Strenuous typing on a keyboard with stuck up keys and with a mouse that is either too big, or too small for your grasp, may cause repetitive strain on your wrists. It can be the onset of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a painful swelling of the median nerve inside your carpal tunnels. It is a disabling injury, which when left untreated, may cause deformity on the afflicted hand.

Imagine how it would affect your work - your efficiency and productivity - on a standstill. Think of the effect on a larger scale, when 2-3 employees would fall ill because of carpal tunnel syndrome. Would this not affect your company's revenue?

Don't Wait On the Boss

Waiting on your employer to act, on to YOUR best interest, may take a while, and by then maybe too late to save your wrist. Why not invest a little on yourself?

Buy your own ergonomic mini keyboard that you can carry to the office or anywhere, conveniently. Improve on your job performance, by enhancing your efficiency and increasing your productivity. These efforts have visible results, which can pay off your investments big time. Think in terms of promotion. Just wait and see.
Left-handed Keyboard, Mini Keyboards and Specialty Keyboards are available at Use an ergonomic keyboard custom-designed for your specific needs to lessen stress on your hands and fingers as you type. Repetitive stress on your wrists causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which is a disabling and deforming work-related injury.

For all the lefties in the world, left-handed keyboards were engineered with you in mind. However, even right-handed users would find left-handed keyboards easy to type on because they retain the features of a regular keyboard, but with the numeric keypad placed on the left so your mouse is located much closer to your body on the right to minimize reaching out for it, and the stress that goes with the effort.

Photo credit:  Stuart Miles/

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How the Use of Mini Keyboards May Cut Your Trips to Your Chiropractor's Clinic

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Have you seen keyboards as small as the palm of your hands? No, you don't need a new pair of eyeglasses; they really got them shrunk!

Innovation never sleeps; that's for certain, as more and more keyboards and electronic mice make their debut on gadget stores almost every quarter, if not every month. They come in various styles and colors, and now in midget-sizes, too!

The Benefits of Using Mini Keyboards:

Before economic recession hit the globe, there were prototypes of mini keyboards sold in various stores claiming health benefits, such as treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome or relief from wrist pain and shoulder pain, which are symptoms of CTS. Manufacturers claimed that their products were designed for "ergonomics purposes", but the topic on ergonomics was fairly new, so only few people paid attention.

Lately, as more and more people have experienced carpal tunnel syndrome and other ailments associated with the long use of computers, interest on ergonomics grew and sales of mini keyboards took off!

If you are constantly seeing your chiropractor for neck, shoulder, arm and wrist pains, your use of a mini keyboard may lessen your trips to his clinic and increase your savings instead.

Why do Mini Keyboards make a buzz?

1. Comfort.  Ergonomically-designed mini keyboards, due to their size, allow more space for your wrist and hand to lay on the same surface where your PC or laptop is located. This aligns your wrist and hand with your keyboard; pressure on your wrist is minimized.

2. Ease of Use.  The use of external mice on ordinary keyboards, over a long period of time, harms the nerve that runs between the wrist and the arm, which causes carpal tunnel syndrome, a repetitive stress injury. Left unattended, carpal tunnel syndrome may cause permanent disability.

Most mini keyboards have built-in keypads that no longer require the movement of your hand from the keyboard to the mouse and back again. This cuts pressure on your wrist and hand in half.

3. Flexibility.  Patience may be a virtue, but not everyone has patience over wires. Good news, as most mini keyboards are wireless.

4. Functionality.  Mini keyboards come in various styles that suit every user's preference. If you prefer your keyboard to have a touch pad rather than a mouse that's exactly what you will find in gadget stores near you. If you are left-handed and would prefer the keypad and the number's pad interchanged, you will certainly find mini keyboards designed for that purpose as well.

5. Convenience.  Due to its size, it is easy to pack a mini keyboard in your bag or pouch. You can use a mini keyboard, alternately with your laptop's, as it gives you freer movement.

The study of ergonomics has proven helpful in finding relief for common pains associated with repetitive stress injury and those who have started on the road to recovery considered their use of mini keyboard significant to their well-being.

You either take their word for it or find out for yourself - your choice.

Photo credit:  Photostock/

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4 Reasons Why You Should Invest on Ergonomic Split Keyboard

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Meet Kevin

Kevin Schmidt of Minnesota works as web designer for a fashion company that sells replica designer bags. Normally, he would spend a minimum of 12 hours daily, working on his PC. On several occasions, he felt tingling or numbness in his fingers, but he readily dismissed this as ordinary fatigue. His wife suggested massage and finger exercises on the affected hand and these proved helpful for a while until the numbness progressed up to his arm and reached his shoulders. That was when Kevin and his wife sought medical attention.

Why Invest on Ergonomic Split Keyboard

Kevin was diagnosed to be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), which is a repetitive stress injury. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome commonly affects people performing repetitive tasks over a long period of time. Kevin spends long hours typing on his keyboard; too much pressure on the wrist tendons of his hand irritated the median nerve that runs from his wrist up to his arm. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition arising from an inflamed or irritated median nerve and this is often accompanied by recurring pain.

Here are 4 Reasons why Ergonomic Split Keyboard has been helpful to Kevin and why it makes good investment:

1. Comfort.

Ergonomic split keyboard as the name implies comes in separate parts, which gives more space for the wrists of both hands to rest on the middle of the keyboard. The closer proximity of the fingers to the keys on the keyboard minimizes effort and movement of the entire hand when typing, even for long hours.

2. Wrist Support.

As it comes in two or three parts, there is more space for the wrist of both hands to relax on the same surface where the keyboard is, and this prevents the hand to arch or type at an angle, which is commonly the chief cause why the wrist receives more pressure during long hours of working on the computer.

3. User-friendly.

Ergonomic split keyboards are designed for people who are suffering from symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. They are contoured to suit favorably the user's fingers, hands and wrists.

4. Promotes Good Posture.  When using ergonomic split keyboard, the user can adjust the keyboard according to his sitting position. Split keyboards are adjustable; the user will have no hassle positioning the keyboard to suit his comfort.

Treatment of CTS can be long and costly as surgery may be recommended for serious cases. Why risk your job and well being when you can invest on an ergonomic keyboard at anytime? Your minimum investment is certainly less expensive than the total amount you would spend on painkillers, doctor's fees and cost of surgery when your condition worsens.

Are you frequently experiencing pain or numbness on your wrist or hands
Ergonomic keyboards and keypads are designed to promote pain relief and minimize repetitive stress injuries that can affect your speed and comfort while working.

Photo credit:   David Castillo Dominici/

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How Ergonomic Keyboards Can Increase Your Efficiency and Save Your Job

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David Koeppel of MSN Money reports that the global crisis has not spared thousands of people in the real-estate industry, which scored a massive lay-off of at least 7,000. This is ironic in an industry that has produced millionaires among ordinary men and women in recent years. Today, even these real estate agents-turned- millionaires are facing a bleak future.

This makes a lot of us realize how fleeting good times are and how immensely necessary it is to hold on to the jobs we still have.

But can you secure your employment in an uncertain economy? Fact is, you can.

Unless facing bankruptcy, no employer will let go of an employee who has performed well on his job. You won't second-guess what happens to an employee who is always on sick leave. However, most often than not, employees who felt sick were not actually sick, but could be suffering from Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI).

RSI is characterized by all sorts of pain- wrist pain, shoulder pain and back pain, to name a few. What employers failed to realize was, they too, could have contributed to their employees' aches, which intensify poor performance; those names they have submitted to the lay-off list were actually unwitting victims of inappropriate office equipments in the workplace.

How Ergonomics can Save the Day

For the employee, his knowledge of Ergonomics can impact his efficiency at work, which the boss will surely take notice of and would secure his tenure on his job and might even qualify him for a raise!
For the employer, the study of Ergonomics will minimize, if not totally eliminate, lost hours on the job by an employee suffering from RSI.
What is Ergonomics?
Ergonomics is the study of man and his machine. It focuses on finding a "fit" between a person's job and suitable equipments he should use that will optimize his productivity while promoting his well-being. As a saying goes, "Health is Wealth. When health is lost, everything is lost."

The human body is like machine. It has tolerance levels for stress and repetitive tasks however when limits are exceeded, repetitive strain injuries can occur and these can lead to disability. The good news is, the study of ergonomics in recent years have rubbed on a lot of people concerned about well-being in the workplace and has inspired manufacturers to produce ergonomically-designed office equipments that can prevent RSI.

Where to Buy Ergonomically-Designed Office Equipments

The internet spews out 385,000 links for the search terms "ergonomics office equipments". This number gives one an idea just how extensive the study of ergonomics has become in recent years. It will surely quadruple in the coming months and years as more and more people are becoming aware of how helpful it is to choose ergonomically-designed office equipments than just pick up a new model in the market.

A lot of websites, sell reasonably-priced ergonomic office equipments, such as ergonomic keyboards, mouse, pads, desks and accessories that can protect users from the ill-effects of repetitive tasks. Unlike ordinary keyboards, ergonomically-designed keyboards and pads can actually increase productivity as they maximize speed at work by protecting hands from symptoms of RSI; wrists can develop carpal-tunnel syndrome, which can be debilitating and often result to an employee's "downtime".

Minimize Layoff, Switch to Ergonomics

In a troubled economy, down-sizing an organization can be a remedy however an employer should not readily consider this as his ultimate option. The use of ergonomically-designed office equipments can increase productivity at lesser cost than sending employees you have already trained to your competitor's door when economy improves, as it always will. Imagine how costly it is to advertise and train again when you need the skills-set of those people you have terminated or laid-off at a "bad" time, which can only be temporary.

Switching to Ergonomics can be your answer to difficult times - not layoff.

Are you frequently experiencing pain or numbness on your wrist or hands?
Ergonomic keyboards and keypads are designed to promote pain relief and minimize repetitive stress injuries that can affect your speed and comfort while working.

Photo credit:  stockimages/

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