Monday, June 11, 2012

Internet Users - Treat Neck and Shoulder Pain With a New Mini Keyboard

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No, you will not experience a whack across your shoulder blades with the use of mini ergonomic keyboard. That's not my style. However, it has been proven that the use of mini keyboard provides relief from shoulder and neck pains. It is welcome news, considering the expense of going to therapeutic massage therapy sessions or seeing a chiropractor for your neck and shoulder pains. Price of mini keyboard is considerably, cheaper.

Find a Fit, Lose the Pain

However, that's not just any mini keyboard you can use for the relief of shoulder and neck pains. It should be ergonomically-designed, which means your fingers and wrist, including the arch of your hand when you type on the keyboard should snugly "fit" the mini ergonomic keyboard.

Ergonomics, by the way, is the science of finding a "fit" between the machine and its user. It does not support the "one for all, all for one" use of office and home equipments and accessories.

Once a fit is found, and the fingers, hand and wrist sits comfortably on the keyboard when you type, repetitive strain injury on the wrist, otherwise known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, is avoided. Your arms, including your shoulders and neck are also spared from excessive use of muscle, which is the primary cause of pain.

Pain is a Symptom - Heed its Warning

However, when pain is becoming intense and persistent, see your doctor. Pain can be a symptom of a serious health condition, thus it is advisable to seek medical attention before you attempt at buying a mini keyboard. It is best to rule out any health issues before you consider your pain is just a symptom of a stretched muscle.

It's time to get an ergonomic keyboard. Compact mini keyboards at has a mini design, but has the home keys and 10 key, just like larger keyboards. It is ergonomically-designed to suit your fingers and hands, plus your budget.

Photo credit:  sixninepixels/

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